Well, I woke up this morning and cried. We sat in the car on the way to the airport, I cried more as we got closer, I cried the whole way home with Neacel yelling DADDY in the back seat. Neacel can't stop crying and neither can I. We want Daddy! Neacel has been horrible all morning and every time I get mad at him I think "You don't act like this when Daddy is around." I'm starting to think that Neacel understands that Nick won't be walking thru the door at 5:15 with his arms ready to hug him. That Daddy won't be able to give him a hug and kiss before bed tonight and won't be there first thing in the morning. So no, I'm not glad that Nick is gone. I won't have anyone to nag me later today about how I didn't get much done and that I need time management, I won't wake up in the middle of the night due to snoring in my ear, I won't get the kiss before he goes to his interview tomorrow morning. Nick is going to be gone maybe a total of 36ish hours and we are bawling like babies at my house today.
I was supposed to work but she only had a few hours today and told me not to come in, that was supposed to help me deal with him not being home. I'm cleaning the house and dealing with Neacel, who I might add has taken a sample of Burts Bee's Face wash and drunken it, so I had a nice call with Poison Control because I had no idea what to do.
He is cutting his bottom molars; 4 all coming in at once. Not Fair! He fell off his toy box, which he shouldn't even be standing on, ate a spider; basically it's the morning from HELL! Nothing could make it worse! I'm just thankful for what is now nap time and my quiet time on the couch to watch an hour and a half of Keeping Up With the Kardashians; yes I watch and enjoy that crap! Then we will be going grocery shopping for some yummy healthy food and then going to Classic tonight with Reelika, Max and my friend Rachel and her son Caleb. I will fight crying like a baby; and I will act like I'm glad that I get me time, but honestly, I want him home. I'm so glad he is doing this and that he has an interview, but it royally sucks! Midnight tomorrow night can't come soon enough!
A quick bright side, Neacel has about 20+ words that he can say! He is really starting to get this whole talking thing. We are working on please and thank you right now; he never uses the right words when we ask him to. If he can't say a word or doesn't want to try he says Dada. He also says Jazz now and claps/cheers at all the right times when watching sports! He is our little sports fan!
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