Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Perfect Pregnancy???

Can it really be true? I've been scared but after talking with my doctor, I think I am experiencing the perfect pregnancy! I'm not getting my hopes up and believe me it has crossed my mind that something could be wrong, but I don't want to think negative until I hear it from the doctor. I'm 10 weeks and I have had NO morning sickness, NO food aversions, NO problems with smells. In fact I don't feel pregnant. I feel absolutely positively fine! The worst symptom I have is heartburn! It has scared me for a while, so a friend gave me a pregnancy test that she had, it was a digital and luckily, those can't lie. No faint line, no second guessing just the flat out truth!

I found myself nervous that it was going to say NOT Pregnant, because of the lack of symptoms. I called my doctor and she said that I shouldn't worry and just consider myself lucky and that all pregnancies are different. I just didn't imagine a complete 180. They offered to do an ultrasound if I wanted but I figured I could wait until tomorrow. Tomorrow we will check in on our little peanut. Alot of people have told me that pregnancies this different usually mean a different gender, but I REALLY want another boy! But I'm starting to think it's a girl. Either way, as long as the baby is healthy I don't care what it is. I think Nick is hoping for a little girl so that we have one of each.

Neacel is growing like a weed and talking like there is no tomorrow. He says "thank you" all the time, he has better manners then Nick and I! I'm really wanting to go full force on potty training but I'm too lazy. It's going to happen soon, at least before the next one gets here. The last thing I want to do is deal with 2 kids in diapers.

He is learning his colors and learned to count to 3 if you help him. Reason being, I give him to the count of 3 to fix the wrong thing he might be doing. The other night he kept climbing on the table. I looked at him and said "ONE" he looks at me and says "twoooo," I of course try not to smile and just say "TWO" he then looks at me again and says "FEEEE". I just got him off and basically said that was too cute and I'll let you off the hook this time. He does it here and there but not too often luckily. He eats a ton, and can't stop yackin'. His favorite word is "basketball" which comes out "backetbaw," and is obsessed with basketball.

He recently showed me that he knows what a cat says. We were walking around Nick's parent's condo and there was a cat in the window. Neacel has rarely been exposed to cats, so I kneel down to tell him what it is, he looks at me and says "meow." I looked at him and asked what he was saying and he kept saying meow minus the e. I was completely shocked! He amazes us every day with what he knows, he is such a sponge and just takes everything in. We are slowly starting nursery and so far so good. But I can't just leave him yet, so we are just doing intervals. Next week, no play time, just the lesson and snack. Pray for us!

Neacel will be getting his "big boy" bed sometime this week and we are so excited. I'm really not worried about him with it. We are hoping that when we move his new bed can be a comfort to him. As soon as he is completely done with his crib it's going to disappear until it's time for the baby to use it.

Nick is doing well, he will be graduating from SUU on April 30th. We are going to make the trip to Cedar City and he is going to do the whole ceremony thing. I'm so happy and proud of him. He is finishing up his last two classes as we speak. The end is finally near, now time for grad school! This summer will be Nick's last summer free from school for a few years. It's going to be hard, but I know he is going to do amazing.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I wouldn't be surprised if it was a girl and very excited!!
Neacel is so smart! It's so fun as they start talking.
Congrats to Nick, graduating is so exciting.