Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Brotherly Love

Where do I start? The fact that the boys just adore each other, that Neacel can make Broden laugh and anytime Neacel is in trouble he wants Broden. Or maybe its the fact that Neacel LOVES to help us with Broden, anything even throwing the gross silly putty poopy diaper away. (I knew you would love the description) These two are already friends, even though Brody is not even 3 months. I can't wait to see what the future holds for these two. Neacel is always wanting Brody to play trains or blocks or anything with him and we have to explain that Brody can't...sometimes this brings on a tantrum. Neacel has some major brotherly love for Brody! Brody loves his big brother, Neacel makes him smiling by doing the simplest things. The picture is priceless to me, Neacel would not take a nap that day. Fought us with everything he had, well he won. We said fine no nap but you can go to bed early! He came out to the couch saw that Brody was sleeping on the couch and curled up to watch a show. About 5 minutes later he was complete passed out...At times I wish that Brody was a little older maybe by a couple months, but almost exactly 2 years apart is perfect for these two.
Both of the boys are growing like weeds! Neacel is wearing 3t clothing and Brody is in 3-6....I have big boys!! Brody is talking and laughing more, but is soooo in love with his binki. I hate that piece of plastic more then anything else in this world! If it falls out while he is sleeping he wakes up, I was up 16 times in a 5 hour period one night, and only once was because he was hungry! Do you think we should get rid of the binki now or wait till he is a little older? We would let him just CIO (cry it out) but I don't know if its just cruel at his age. No one is getting sleep because of the binki and CIO would be tough for a night or two but then hopefully we would be done.
Whats your opinion on binki's and CIO?

Side notes: We found a couple to take over our lease, we are moving March 1st at the latest. Weight loss is going great 11lbs in a month gone!!! And I'm training for a 5k. I have learned to love running and working out and I can't get enough. I'm doing the C25k program and Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. Nick is doing great with school. He and I still are teaching Sunday school and this week we have to give talks. Ugh! This is my week to teach and the Sunday school 1st counselor is going to sit in plus I have the talk in Sacrament...its an overload week! Nick is lucky to only have the talk...

We love and miss everyone! As soon as we move we will be in a bigger place...come visit us!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

So sweet how much Neacel loves his brother! That is such a blessing! Sophie was jealous of Tess and that was scary. Anyway, I like the binky once they can put it back in themselves. When mine are this young I keep them in a bassinet right by my bed so I can put their binky in while I am still half asleep. Or we would try and do her swaddle a little high so it would cover her mouth a bit and hold the thing in! That may be bad though... I don't know. I'm not against crying it out, I would let Tess fuss for a bit to see if she'd go back to sleep at this age, but if she was really crying I would put in the plug! Hope that helps.
Congrats on your weight loss, that's so great! Running is a lot of fun. I have that same work out DVD from Jillian, it's tough!