Saturday, March 8, 2008

I have a ton to catch up on!

So I'm really sorry that I haven't posted anything in forever. I really have no excuse just being lazy I guess. But a super quick catch up... February, Nick and I went to Vegas for my birthday/Valentines; we had a total blast. I took tons of pictures so Im going to put a slide show up here really soon, I promise. On the way there we passed this lady that was on the side of the road and seemed to be kind of upset. So Nick pulled over to help her and she waved like she was fine or something. Nick still got out of the car to make sure everything was ok and she said she just had to pull over because she had a really big burp that she had to get out!!!

That was the perfect way to start out our trip. We were there for 4 days and just loved it. It was amazing there, I can't wait to go back! But since I'm writing all this in a hurry I can't say much more.

Well as some of you know Nick and I have been looking for our own little home for a while; we spent all of February searching and found nothing great. Well about 2 weeks ago we found a place. Its on 47th south about about 9th east. It's a wonderful place, which is the reason this post is short and not full of details. We are moving in TODAY! We are really, really excited!

Our first little home; its so cute! But I promise to write more soon, but I really need to finish packing and everything!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Yeah! I'm so glad you found a place!! We'll have to come by and see it, when we're in town in just over a week. Don't forget to post your Vegas pictures, I'm excited to see.