OK I want to know where my pregnancy has gone!?! I feel like just yesterday I was scared to pieces to tell Nick that 2 lines showed up on the test and we are going to have a baby! And now
I'm getting ready to have my little boy! I signed up for a ton of different pregnancy newsletters and
received one the other day and it started with "How exciting! You could have your baby
any day now!" WHAT!
Any day meaning I could wake up thinking I wet the bed but
in fact I could be in labor...little scary. I went to the doctor a little over a week ago and BEGGED him to change my due date, I don't know how much more my body can handle. He said he would change it to November 8
Th but that isn't what I want...
I'm thinking more along the lines of the last week in October!!! I also found out that I gained 10 lbs in one month!
That's 20 total that Ive taken on but I feel like its about 60 more! But
I'm so
unbelievably swollen that the doc says that after
Neacel is here give it a week and Ill be the same weight as I was in the
beginning or smaller. My swelling isn't going away at all
in fact its getting worse.
I'm getting like little bubbles on my toes from them being so swollen. Its pretty bad but the heat isn't helping me at ALL!
I'm drinking water and staying as active as I can but the active part is really hard on me. For those of you who don't know I have really bad ankles, they are weak and its amazing I can walk around, being lactose doesn't help at all. Its something I have
delt with since I was little, well staying active while being 20lbs heavier is
alot of stress on my legs and feet so I can walk around for a while but then I have to sit or I feel like
I'm going to fall thanks to my legs giving out.
I have come to the conclusion that I do love being pregnant, I love laying in bed and watch my stomach move around, and just feel how active he is (which is scaring me a little, I think we are going to be in trouble when he gets here!) I love shopping for my little boy, he is so spoiled already though its kinda sad how much he has already! Nick asked me last night if
I'm already attached to him, and I think for the longest time I was afraid of messing up as a parent that I wasn't becoming attached. I laid there for a second and thought about it and I totally love this little boy who I know very little to almost nothing about! I of course said yes and then got really excited to myself. I know nothing about
Neacel other then he is really active, spoiled rotten, loves chocolate
frosty's, and doesn't sleep very often. Other then that he is a stranger to me I don't know what he looks like we guess though that since we both have dark hair that he will too, probably brown eyes, he won't be to tall but average
at least, other then that we are clueless but so excited to have him here. We are still shopping and getting things for him...right now all he has it clothes from sizes 0-2T (if they are really cute we don't care what size, plus then we have some already and don't have to worry about when he is growing out of things, plus I can't stop shopping!) shoes of course, his crib and the bedding, car seat and stroller and a few toys. Other then that we need to get everything else! Including a washer and dryer so we don't have to buy a ton of clothes since we do laundry about once every 2 weeks! And with a baby that is going to change
I want
Neacel here now,
I'm getting really impatient.
I'm still scared to death about labor and delivery but keep telling myself that millions of women have done it and get the
epidural! I think
I'm just scared because well its something new and you hear good and bad stories so you really don't know what to expect. Hopefully its quick and easy!
I'm hoping to be in labor for a little bit maybe just a few hours and then get him out....I don't know if I could handle being in labor for more then 10 hours! YIKES!!!!
But 2 more months and it won't just be nick and I anymore...
I'm excited though and so is Nick.
Nick has been the best husband through this whole pregnancy and has been the best support I could ask for. Saturday we bought a new mattress and while
I'm not use to it so it feels like a pile of bricks, so
Saturday night I was having a hard time sleeping between the new mattress,
RLS(restless leg syndrome) and just being overly tired and couldn't fall asleep I was having a horrible night. I got up a few times to just sleep on the couch but nick wouldn't let me. I took a sleeping pill and I think that made things worse. Well last I looked at the clock it was about 3 something and I had to get up at 8 for church. Well, I got up but couldn't stay up so I went back to bed.
Oops....so we didn't go to church. Well hours later I wake up and Nick tells me to go back to bed.
I'm half asleep and not happy that he is forcing me to get back into bed its like 10:30
I'm done sleeping. So I fell back asleep then he is waking me up.
I'm really mad at this point I felt like I just fell back to sleep because he told me to then he is waking me. Well it was a little while later. So I wake up and look over at him and he had made breakfast and was bringing it to me in bed on this breakfast in bed tray we got for a present from our wedding! It was so cute! And breakfast was really yummy and he even put my little polka dot plant on the tray, since on the box it had flowers and we didn't have those! He made me pancakes with vanilla and
cinnamon, a peach , bacon
mmmmm and a huge glass of milk! It was just perfect! I love my husband so much, he spoils me but Ill deny it most of the time. But I really am grateful for him and all he does, he has been so patient and loving while I have been this emotional beast. I couldn't ask for anyone better....