Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas Day

We had a wonderful Christmas together. This year was the first year for Neacel, well first as in, he can open presents and participate in things. He ran into the living room and went straight for the presents! About 3 presents into the giant pile he had he was angry!! He started to realize that there were toys wrapped up, which he was mad about. We would hand him a present and he would start throwing a tiny tantrum! So, needless to say, we had to help a ton, and towards the end we just started opening things for him. I made pumpkin french toast that morning for something new. We all were spoiled and got everything that we wanted. Nick got me a mixer which I have wanted since we got married, just never bought one. I love baking and since I haven't had a mixer, I haven't been baking...thats going to change though. We all got some clothes of course. Neacel got more toys then I ever thought imaginable. Our living room has completely been taken over by toys. Im in the process (slowly) of redecorating his room so that I can fit everything, if not most, can go in there! We spent the evening with Nicks family. Some of them went sledding, I stayed behind. Nick said Neacel would run down the hill, face plant into the snow, and lay there and laugh. Then just do it all over again! What a nut! He was so tired after all the excitement in one day. We didn't get home till about 10 that night and he was wide awake...poor thing!
I have a ton of pictures, but we know you only want to see the cute Christmas ones of here ya go!

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