Friday, January 15, 2010

New Year

I know we are 2 weeks into the new year but this is my first chance to sit and relax.

This year so far has been ok, not really great or horrible. It's been alot of ups and downs already.
Nick is waiting to hear from schools, but recently found out the UNLV doesn't have everything, even though it was all sent in and paid for, so we are probably down to 4 schools. I personally didn't want to go there and this whole issue is making me happy. I think a school should be much more organized and take care of things. They kept calling and saying they were missing things; at one point they said they didn't have his GRE scores, they called later to say they found them. I just haven't been impressed.

Every day when Nick gets home he asks if anything came from a school. Poor guy. Nick is also taking 2 classes right now to finish his bachelors degree. He is working hard, and doing great. I know he can't wait until he is done with all of this schooling! I am so grateful for all of his hard work, just so we enjoy things and have all the things we need.

Neacel is growing like a weed. He is saying a few more words and has more energy. He makes what he wants known to the world. We are starting potty training (kinda). I want him out of diapers by 2 so, we are just introducing it right now. He sits on his frog potty whenever Nick or I go to the bathroom. Just so he starts to understand a little. This morning he did go potty on his potty and I started clapping and cheering and he did the same. Then he would point to it and start clapping and saying "yay!" Crazy kid. If he takes to this, great, if not I'm not going to really start pushing it until about 18 months.

Neacel is such a little monster; he has such a strong personality and we love it. He recently has fallen in love with Sesame Street, he loves Elmo. Neacel is our little dancer too! Anytime he hears music he starts to dance, no matter where we are. He has completely rocked out in DI, head banging and everything to the 70's stuff they play in there. I wish I had a camera with me for a moment like that! He surprises us daily with fun new things, he is learning so fast and enjoys helping Mommy and Daddy!

I'm doing fine; I'm really trying to keep up with my new year's goals: getting the house in order and loosing weight. We got a Wii for Christmas and I bought the Wii Fit and EA Active and try to work out for an hour or more at least 3 times a week. I'm wanting to loose a total of about 40 lbs but 30 would be fine too! I'm hoping to be there by summer. Hard work and eating right!

I recently decided to start making a list of my weekly chores. Each day is a different room in the house and I focus on that room; dusting, vaccum, mop, organize, windows etc. It's helping a ton and thinking of cleaning a single room a day, or two depending on size, is so much easier than thinking of getting the whole house clean. Nick also has one chore he has to get done when he gets home from work!

All in all, we are doing great. We have each other, our health and a home. We are truly blessed.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I didn't even know that Nick was applying to Grad school, I sure hope you applied in DENVER!! Hello? j/k Good luck to him, that's so stressful but I am sure it will pay off.
Also, I can't believe you are potty training Neacel already! Are you crazy? I'm sorry, but potty training Sophie was the hardest thing I have EVER done! I hope it works out, but my advice (I know you didn't ask for it, sorry) is not to make a big deal about it and let him do it when he's ready, otherwise it's so HARD! Seriously, save yourself the tears and frustration.
Good idea with the room a day cleaning! You guys are such an awesome family and I hope you have an great new year!!