Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Neacel and I are sitting here eating dry Honey Nut Cheerios, cuddled with a blanket watching the parade. You can hear Nick in the room still snoring, and I'm waiting on the baby to cry. The weather is rainy and yucky, but in about 2 hours we are heading to my parents house to stuff our faces with all the yummy food. I can't wait. We are staying at my parents tonight and around midnight my mom and I will head out to brave the crowds of other insane shoppers dying to get those special deals!

I thought about listing things that we are thankful for in our home, but then I realized, we would be here all day. Can you imagine the things Neacel would say he is thankful for? So instead we want to wish a Happy Thanksgiving to each and everyone! Simple and to the point. Of course we are thankful for the gospel, our family and friends, our health, a roof over our head, and so much more. We hope everyone has a wonderful turkey day, eats a ton, gets wonderful after turkey naps...followed by eating some more. Enjoy the family and friends, the football, the smells of everything, the conversations and of course the crazy crowds (if you brave them).

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