Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Brody Brod

Brody Brod (nickname given to him by Neacel) is growing a little faster then Neacel. At his 4 month check up he was 16.13lbs (almost a pound heavier then neacel at 4 months) and 24 inches. He is about to get his 2 bottom teeth, and he has the cutest inch worm crawl. And yes, that is his real hair, that he was born with. Jealous? He has big blue eyes and the cutest smile. He loves food, I have yet to find something he won't eat. He loves peaches and squash though, and isn't a huge fan of pea's but still eats them with a smile. The dr told me at this age he should only be eating about half a jar of food, yeah well Brod has a big appetite and eats the whole jar and then wants a 4oz bottle to wash it down. On the 10th he rolled over for the first time, from tummy to back. Nick and him talk a lot, and I'm not kidding. Nick will say "uhhh" and brody repeats, they do this until Nick is bored :-) He is sleeping in his crib now, still in our room because I'm too lazy to walk to their room in the middle of the night to give him the binki or feed him. So he will stay with us until he sleeps through the night, or at least a 6+ hour chunk. Brody also loves people, of course during the winter and yucky months you keep your little ones covered, Broden screams and cries until you let him see everything around him. Luckily, he has had a few colds but nothing more. He loves rattles, and anything he can shove into his mouth. He smiles for Neacel and laughs at everything he does. They definitely have a special bond.

Also at his 4 month appointment, "it" hadn't dropped yet. She couldn't even feel "it" to give us a little hope of no surgery. I have this gut feeling that at 6 months we will be going to a urologist and getting surgery done soon after that. I know I should think positive, but at the same time, I want to mentally prepare myself for this and not just have it thrown at me. Luckily, I know some people that they have been through the same thing and the surgery is quick and easy. Nothing too complex. Little scarring, and a few not easy rules to follow after but they said the worse part was just knowing they had to get it done. Either way, everything will be ok!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

He is so dang cute, I can't believe all that hair! Those blue eyes and brown hair are a killer duo. Sorry about his, ahem, manly issues, that is a pain. I can't help you there, but I may be calling you in 8 months for advice! :)