Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Loud Neighbors!

So when we first moved in to our new place we found out the guy next door has passed away and that she would be moving. Of course, I was crossing my fingers for a younger family. Well, we got a family...and to be nice, I will just say its the parents and their teenage son(I won't give the description Nick and I use for them) Since they have moved in we hear music (rap of course) and their tv daily. Now the people there before...we didn't hear anything. And the couple on the other side of us...don't hear them either. So how loud are they? Very, Nick and I were watching a movie last night and all the sudden heard music again. We had the tv ON and could still hear them! As I'm writing this I hear music and something being thrown against the wall. Its just flat out rude. But how do we deal with something like this? Our super annoying neighbors don't exactly give off the appearance and vibe of being friendly. Nick and I have questioned, what do we do? Do we go over and say something? Go straight to the landlord? We have never been in this situation before. They have been here for maybe a week and its old already. All I can think is if you wake my kids you will have one angry mother pounding on your door! Advice please! What would you do if this was your neighbors?


Amber Cassady said...

So the only thing that I can tell you to do is just knock on the door one day and explain that you have two younger children living with you at home and you dont want them to be woke up!!!! Take note of it on your calendar that you talked to them on that day and then have a notebook handy and write down any instances that happen after that point within a week and then contact your landlord if nothing changes!!! Good luck girl... Love ya guys!!!

Jessica said...

We have really loud neighbors, their music vibrates the floor many times a day. It used to really bother me until we've got to know them, they are actually really nice people (who like REALLY loud music) and it doesn't bother me so much since I like them. BUT if they music is pumping after 10 or 11 and we're worried the kids will wake, Dan goes down and asks them to turn down the tunes, and they do! No hard feelings, they just don't always realize how loud they are and the hour. :) I hope your neighbors are like-able, because it makes it a lot easier. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Light off a couplea CHERRY BOMBS in frfont ofg their door!! or... slash their tires... maybe.

Luv, yer Pa