Saturday, January 30, 2010

Neacel's Check-Up

I had to take Neacel in 2 weeks early for his 15 month check up, Dr Palmeiri books up fast! Well, Neacel is doing great and growing quickly!

Weight: 25 lbs (55th percentile)
Height: 30 1/2 inches (35th percentile)
Head: 19 1/2

She is impressed with how much he is talking and how active he is. He is doing well and she said that he is about where an 18 month old is mentally! YAY! She did say that it is recommended to have Neacel rear facing in his carseat until he is two. I simply told her NO! She laughed and said ok. I explained that I'm not going to give my son freedom and then take it away from him. That isn't going to help anyone in the end.

Well, I would make this longer but Neacel is throwing a tantrum :-(

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Oh dear, if Dr. Palmeri said it too (about the rear facing car seat) it must be true! Dang it.