Friday, November 7, 2008

Is this a Joke?

I had a doctors appointment yesterday and even though I've had some contractions they haven't changed a thing! He said that I'm pretty much as thinned out as I'm going to get but that I haven't dilated anymore! I was having strong contractions Wednesday that were 4 minutes apart for about 45 minutes, I was so excited thinking I was in labor.

I was trying to get a hold of Nick just so he would be ready to leave work but he had his phone on the "Do Not Disturb" mode or whatever, but then they just stopped and I haven't really felt anything since then. Good thing for Nick and I that I wasn't in labor. I didn't hear from him for a few hours!

Doctor is saying that if I don't dilate faster then chances are I'll go past my due date, which in my book is just not an option at this point! I was so excited to go in and hear that it's literally any day, even if I was only dilated to a 3, I would have been thrilled! I'm so emotional at this point and Nick is being such a strong support but both of us are ready to go insane with my emotions!

I'm ready to be done with this pregnancy and to just have my little boy in my arms. I'm dying to see what he looks like, more like me or more like Nick? How big he is, how much hair he has, what his cry sounds like, just all the unsolved little mysteries. I want to have dirty baby clothes to clean, and not just sitting in the drawers waiting for him. I want to rock him to sleep and just stare at him in complete amazement, knowing that this is what the Lord has blessed Nick and I with. I want to take pictures of him, bathe him and just carry him in my arms!

But for now I'll just keep waiting and pray that he will be here soon. That's pretty much all I can do at this point.


Anonymous said...

Oh my dear! I feel for you!
I'm praying for you too!

Jessica said...

I was just talking about this sort of stuff with a friend and she said that the effacement is almost more important than the dialation when it comes to going into labor. Because you dialate much faster after you are completely effaced. So you may not be in too bad of shape! Hang in there. I can tell you will be an awesome mom by the way you talk about it. Neacel's a lucky little guy.

Cieslak Family said...

What you haven't had your baby yet? I thought for sure you would come early. I totally know how you feel about just wanting to hold your baby. I had to wait a whole week, but I wasn't dilated at all so I'm hoping that you don't have to wait that long. Bytheway Happy 1st Anniversary! We love you guys! Let us know when he finally arrives.
