Monday, October 25, 2010

Hurry Up Kiddo!!

Today was my last doctor's appointment before Broden makes his appearance. I don't know if I'm mostly excited, nervous, anxious, scared or what I'm feeling at this point. It's a good mix of everything I guess you could say. Everything went well, I had to have a NST (I think that's what it's called) done because Broden's movements have dropped considerably, I got swollen out of no where, and my blood pressure was higher then usual. So the doctor wanted to monitor everything for 20 minutes and click on a little button every time I felt him move. Luckily, everything looked great! Here is my biggest shock, I'm 1+cm (he said I can be stretched to 2cm) and have thinned out! I was just at the doctor Thursday and NOTHING was happening. So then he proceeds to tell me that I could go into labor before my scheduled date, but that it's kinda unlikely....follwed by a "I have been wrong many times before though!" So that made me happy, I'm now hoping that I will go into labor Friday or Saturday, but I won't hold my breath over it. But I will cross my fingers, and hope that all my house cleaning will help, even if just a tiny bit!

I also need to brag big time about Nick. Even though he is busy with school and a few projects, on top of studying for mid terms he has been the world's biggest help. Not the kind of help were I asked for it, or nagged him saying I need help. Nope the good ol' fashioned he did it himself kind of help. He has been taking care of Neacel 98% of the time when he is home, does dishes, picks up the rooms, and is always asking if I need anything, as I lay/sit on the couch. I am so thankful for him and all his help. He is a great father to Neacel and I know Broden will love him just as much.

We had a fun and exciting weekend, that Nick is working on putting up a post about. He almost begged me to let him post about it. I figured since he has done so much for me it's the least I can do :-)

P.S-Neacel now says "Push It" when putting things together, one sounds 100% like Bull ***t! YIKES!!!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

So exciting!!! Good luck!